The Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group was formed in 2019 to drive the global policy shift towards free, open beneficial ownership data. Governments increasingly recognise the value of beneficial ownership transparency for promoting effective governance and efficient markets.
By joining the Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group, each country signed up to a set of best-practice principles of disclosure. Convened jointly by Open Ownership and the Open Government Partnership , the Leadership Group members were: Armenia, Kenya, Latvia, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, the Slovak Republic, and the United Kingdom.
During its four-year mandate, the Leadership Group organised high-level and technical exchanges, significantly advancing BOT within member countries and globally.
Where next?
As the Leadership Group concluded in December 2023, consultations with members revealed a shift in needs, driven by changes in the BOT reform context. Over 80 countries now have a live BO register, with 70 more planning or implementing one. In consultations, Leadership Group members supported a more flexible approach that enables broader country participation. Members expressed a desire to participate in targeted technical exchanges with countries facing similar issues, rather than only with Leadership Group countries. Therefore, these exchanges will be mainstreamed through OO’s technical assistance and capacity-building programmes with the World Bank, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, and the African Development Bank.
Historic terms of reference:
- Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group Terms of Reference, Declaration, and Glossary
- Beneficial Ownership Transparency Disclosure Principles