Beneficial ownership transparency events at the 10th Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption

  • Publication date: 16 November 2023
  • Author: Open Ownership
CoSP social general

This year, the 10th Conference of States Parties (CoSP10) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption takes place in Atlanta, USA, from 11-15 December. Open Ownership will be in Atlanta from a few days before, and we are co-organising, speaking and live-tweeting at a number of events throughout the week.

We’ve compiled this helpful planner to help you consider which events you and your colleagues may want to attend, or listen in on, over this vital week of global exchange.

Breakout session on Beneficial Ownership and the misuse of Corporate Vehicles at the Anti-Corruption Civil Society Forum

Sunday 10 December, Georgia World Congress Center, 14:30 - 15:30, agenda

At 14:30 - 15:30 during the Civil Society Forum, Open Ownership is moderating a session on Beneficial Ownership and the Misuse of Corporate Vehicles. This discussion will provide a unique opportunity for governments and civil society experts to explore how the CoSP10 can reinforce provisions previously adopted from Resolution 9/7 to help maximise the value of beneficial ownership (BO) data as an anti-corruption tool.

Taking place all day (11:45 to 17:00), the Civil Society Forum aims to recognise and celebrate the essential role civil society plays in anti-corruption efforts. It is open to all,and is free to attend; you do not need to be officially accredited to COSP to join the event. Participants are also invited to enjoy a reception at the conclusion of the Forum. Join us remotely via Zoom (passcode CSO). Open Ownership will also be live-tweeting throughout this event, using the hashtag: #OOCoSP

BOT special event 1: Implementing beneficial ownership reforms: global framework

Wednesday 13 December, Georgia World Congress Center, 09:00 - 09:50.

This session, hosted by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime will highlight global progress and relevant standards on beneficial ownership transparency. Recent standard reviews and the future of beneficial ownership reforms will be discussed in the light of countering corruption and illicit financial flows. Join us live via Teams.

BOT special event 2: Implementing beneficial ownership reforms: national progress

Wednesday 13 December, Georgia World Congress Center, 18:00 - 18:50.

This session is organised and moderated by Open Ownership, co-hosted with the UNODC, Transparency International, Tax Justice Network Africa and the Government of Nigeria. It will focus on national-level challenges and lessons learnt in building beneficial ownership frameworks. Speakers will share first-hand experiences and successful strategies and highlight the importance of standardised data and collaboration among governments, civil society, and regional bodies. Join us live via Teams. Open Ownership will also be live-tweeting throughout this event, using the hashtag: #OOCoSP

We look forward to benefiting from your input to these important debates and to seeing you in person or online soon.