
Find details about Mexico's beneficial ownership transparency reforms

Records last updated: 12 June 2024

Contact person: Rodrigo Felix Montalvo

Current ongoing work

Open Ownership (OO) is in discussions with the National Anti-Corruption System to initiate its use of the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard in the Public Procurement Beneficial Ownership pilot register. OO also co-facilitated awareness and advocacy sessions on private sector integrity with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

Committed to one or more

  • Planned
    Once a country makes at least a commitment to beneficial ownership transparency, it is at Planned stage.

Implemented one or more

Data on the Open Ownership map is drawn from publicly-available sources and may not be comprehensive for all countries. For countries marked in grey we do not have information. If data is incorrect, or to submit new data, please fill in this form.

Implementation details

Commitment details

Show further detail
  • Mexico has made a commitment to beneficial ownership transparency as part of the Beneficial Ownership Leadership Group. [09 December 2019] link to commitment
  • As an Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) member, Mexico has committed to beneficial ownership transparency for the extractives sector. [01 October 2017]
  • Mexico has included a commitment in an Open Government Partnership National Action Plan to beneficial ownership transparency [11 December 2019] link to commitment
  • At the 2023 Summit for Democracy, Mexico committed to effective implementation of beneficial ownership transparency measures and the maintenance of a beneficial ownership registry or an alternative mechanism [29 March 2023] link to commitment